We are delighted to announce that Lesley Mifsud will be a guest speaker at this year's Festival of Education and will be discussing all things accessibility on Friday 25th June 10.50am !
The 2021 Festival of Education will take place online across two inspiring weeks and will be free for educators across the globe. The festival will host speakers of international renown and topical, meaningful and thought-provoking sessions.
We are taking place in the 'Friday Fest' section of the festival. This year, due to COVID, it will be done virtually, taking place on the 18th & 25th June. Friday Fests will feature over 50 high-quality CPD sessions, seminars and debates for educationalists around the globe.
Our session, titled 'Understanding Accessibility Planning in Schools, will start with an overview of the Equality Act and go on to discuss how schools are now required by the Department for Education to have an Accessibility Plan in place.
Lesley Mifsud will discuss all aspects of what should be considered when writing an Accessibility Plan - the physical aspect, as well as ensuring access to the school information and curriculum.
Lesley will also detail how one can distinguish what is considered a 'reasonable' adjustment with the aim of schools not making unnecessary and costly adjustments.
Ensure you are registered at https://educationfest.co.uk to watch the session for free!